Retro Treasure Alert: Unearth 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide!


Are you a fan of the iconic and controversial 1980s Garbage Pail Kid cards? Are you curious about their value in today's collector's market? Look no further! In this comprehensive 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide, we will delve into the fascinating world of these satirical trading cards that took the world by storm. Whether you are a seasoned collector or just starting out, this guide will provide you with essential information, expert insights, and insider tips to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of Garbage Pail Kid card prices. So, buckle up and get ready to embark on a nostalgic journey filled with quirky characters, outlandish artwork, and potentially lucrative investments!


Welcome to our comprehensive price guide for the highly collectible 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards! In this article, we will take a nostalgic trip down memory lane and explore the value of these quirky and beloved trading cards. Whether you are a seasoned collector or someone curious about their worth, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and information.

The Popularity of Garbage Pail Kids

Understanding the Phenomenon

Introduced by Topps in 1985, Garbage Pail Kids quickly gained popularity among children and adults alike. These cards featured grotesque and humorous characters, satirizing the Cabbage Patch Kids dolls that were all the rage at the time. The irreverent and often gross nature of the cards appealed to kids' twisted sense of humor, making them an instant hit.

Rarity and Condition

Factors Affecting Value

When it comes to determining the value of Garbage Pail Kid cards, rarity and condition play crucial roles. The most sought-after cards are the ones that were produced in limited quantities due to legal issues or printing errors. Additionally, cards in pristine condition, free from creases, stains, or marks, command higher prices compared to those with visible wear and tear.

Key Cards and Their Values

Highly Coveted Collectibles

In the 1987 series, several cards stand out as particularly valuable and desirable among collectors. The Adam Bomb card, featuring a boy's head exploding, is considered the Holy Grail of Garbage Pail Kid cards and can fetch a hefty sum in top condition. Other notable cards include Tee-Vee Stevie, Junkfood John, and Hot Scott, each with their own unique appeal and price tag.

Grading Systems

Evaluating Card Conditions

To accurately assess the condition of a Garbage Pail Kid card, collectors often rely on professional grading services. These services evaluate cards based on factors such as centering, corners, edges, surface, and overall presentation. The graded cards are then assigned a numeric value on a scale from 1 to 10, with higher grades indicating better conditions.

Collecting Tips and Strategies

For Aspiring Collectors

If you're considering starting or expanding your Garbage Pail Kid collection, there are a few tips to keep in mind. Firstly, educate yourself about the different series, subsets, and variations within the 1987 series. Joining collector communities, attending conventions, and browsing online auction platforms can also help you stay up-to-date with market trends and connect with fellow collectors.

Price Fluctuations Over Time

The Ever-Changing Market

Just like any collectible, the value of Garbage Pail Kid cards can fluctuate over time. Factors such as nostalgia, supply and demand, and the overall popularity of the franchise can influence prices. It's essential to stay informed about recent sales and monitor the market to gauge the current value of the cards you own or wish to acquire.

Where to Buy and Sell

Finding Your Perfect Card

For those looking to add to their collection or sell duplicates, numerous avenues are available. Online marketplaces, such as eBay and specialized collector websites, offer a wide selection of Garbage Pail Kid cards. Local card shops, conventions, and even garage sales can also be fruitful hunting grounds for rare finds.

Taking Care of Your Collection

Prolonging the Lifespan of Cards

Properly storing and handling your Garbage Pail Kid cards is essential to maintain their condition and value. Utilize acid-free sleeves or top loaders to protect them from dust, moisture, and physical damage. Avoid touching the cards with bare hands, as oils and residue can lead to deterioration. Finally, store them in a cool, dry place to prevent any potential damage caused by extreme temperature or humidity.

The Joy of Collecting

Preserving Childhood Memories

While the monetary value of Garbage Pail Kid cards may fluctuate, the joy and nostalgia they bring are priceless. Collecting these cards allows us to relive our childhoods and cherish the memories associated with them. So, whether you're a casual collector or a passionate enthusiast, the 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards continue to hold a special place in the hearts of many.


Unlocking the Value

As we conclude our journey through the 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards price guide, we hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into this unique and beloved collectible. Remember, the true worth of these cards extends far beyond their price tags, offering us a window into a bygone era and reminding us of the joy of collecting.

Introduction: Exploring the 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide and its importance in the collectibles market.

Welcome to the 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide, a comprehensive resource that delves into the fascinating world of Garbage Pail Kids and their impact on the collectibles market. This guide aims to provide collectors and enthusiasts with valuable insights into the historical significance, pricing factors, card conditions, scarcity, card variations, popular characters, grading services, market trends, and collecting tips surrounding these iconic trading cards from 1987. By understanding the nuances of the Garbage Pail Kid cards market, collectors can make informed decisions and navigate this exciting realm with confidence.

Historical Significance: Understanding the background and cultural impact of Garbage Pail Kid cards in 1987.

In 1987, Garbage Pail Kids took the trading card industry by storm, captivating the hearts and imaginations of children and adults alike. These irreverent and quirky cards, featuring grotesque parodies of Cabbage Patch Kids, became an instant hit. With their dark humor and satirical illustrations, Garbage Pail Kids challenged traditional notions of what a trading card should be. They tapped into the counterculture of the 1980s, reflecting the rebellious spirit and irreverent humor that permeated popular culture at the time. The cards swiftly gained a cult following, and today, they hold a special place in the hearts of collectors who cherish their nostalgic value and artistic appeal.

Pricing Factors: Analyzing the various factors that contribute to the pricing of these vintage cards.

When it comes to determining the value of 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards, several factors come into play. First and foremost, the condition of the card plays a crucial role. Mint-condition cards, free from any damage or wear, command a higher price compared to those with creases, stains, or other imperfections. Additionally, the scarcity of the card influences its value, as rarer cards are more sought after by collectors. The market demand for specific characters also plays a significant role in pricing. Furthermore, variations within the cards, such as different borders or language variations, can impact their value. Lastly, market trends and fluctuations in supply and demand dynamics also contribute to the pricing of these vintage cards.

Condition Assessment: Highlighting the significance of card condition in determining their value.

When evaluating the value of 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards, assessing their condition is of utmost importance. Cards in mint condition, exhibiting no signs of wear, creases, or blemishes, are highly desirable among collectors. These pristine cards fetch a premium price due to their rarity. On the other hand, cards with noticeable flaws, such as bent corners, creases, or stains, may see a significant decrease in their market value. It is crucial for collectors to carefully examine and assess the condition of each card before making a purchase or determining its worth. Professional grading services can provide an objective evaluation of card condition, assisting collectors in making informed decisions.

Scarcity and Rarity: Discussing how the scarcity of certain cards affects their market value.

Scarcity plays a pivotal role in determining the market value of 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards. Some cards were produced in limited quantities, making them more elusive and sought after by collectors. For instance, cards that were discontinued early in production or had limited distribution channels tend to be rarer and thus command higher prices. Conversely, cards that were widely available and did not face production issues may have a lower market value due to their abundance. Collectors keen on building a comprehensive collection often prioritize acquiring the scarcer cards, as they add uniqueness and exclusivity to their collections.

Card Variations: Exploring the impact of different card variations and their influence on pricing.

One of the intriguing aspects of 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards is the presence of various card variations. These variations can include differences in borders, color schemes, font styles, or even language variations. Collectors often seek out these variations, as they add depth and diversity to their collections. Certain card variations, such as those with rare or unique borders, may command higher prices due to their scarcity and desirability. The existence of these variations adds an exciting element to the Garbage Pail Kid cards market, providing collectors with endless opportunities for discovery and pursuit.

Popular Characters: Identifying the most sought-after Garbage Pail Kid characters and their price range.

Within the realm of 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards, certain characters have emerged as fan favorites and highly sought after by collectors. These characters often possess unique traits, memorable names, or distinctive artwork that resonates with enthusiasts. Some of the most sought-after characters include Adam Bomb, Nasty Nick, Blasted Billy, and Dead Ted, among others. The popularity of these characters directly impacts their market value, with prices ranging from a few dollars to several hundred dollars for rare or particularly coveted variations. Collectors interested in investing in Garbage Pail Kid cards should keep an eye on the market demand for these popular characters.

Grading Services: Discussing the importance of card grading services in assessing value and authenticity.

To ensure the authenticity and value of 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards, collectors often rely on professional grading services. These services employ experts who meticulously assess the condition, authenticity, and overall quality of each card. Grading services assign a grade to each card, indicating its condition on a standardized scale. This grading system provides collectors with a reliable and objective measure of a card's worth, allowing them to make informed decisions when buying or selling. Moreover, graded cards often command higher prices in the market, as they provide buyers with assurance regarding the card's condition and authenticity.

Market Trends: Examining the current market trends for 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards and their impact on pricing.

The market for 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards is dynamic and influenced by various trends. As with any collectible, market demand can fluctuate, impacting the prices of these vintage cards. Currently, the market for Garbage Pail Kid cards from 1987 is experiencing a resurgence in popularity, with renewed interest from both seasoned collectors and newcomers. This increased demand has led to a rise in prices, particularly for rarer cards or those in pristine condition. It is essential for collectors to stay informed about current market trends, as they can greatly influence the value and availability of these iconic trading cards.

Collecting Tips: Offering valuable tips and advice for collectors interested in navigating the Garbage Pail Kid cards market of 1987.

For collectors venturing into the world of 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards, a few tips and advice can prove invaluable. Firstly, it is crucial to educate oneself about the different factors that determine card value, such as condition, scarcity, and market trends. Secondly, building relationships within the collecting community can provide insights, tips, and potential trading opportunities. Attending conventions, joining online forums, and engaging with fellow enthusiasts can enhance the collecting experience. Lastly, it is advisable to exercise caution when purchasing cards, ensuring authenticity and condition through reputable sellers or grading services. By following these tips, collectors can embark on an exciting journey of exploring and acquiring these iconic cards from 1987.

1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide

The Story of the 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide

Back in 1987, a popular and controversial trading card series called the Garbage Pail Kids took the world by storm. These cards featured grotesque and humorous characters with clever puns for names. Kids everywhere were obsessed with collecting and trading these quirky cards, making them a true phenomenon of the era.

With the growing popularity of the Garbage Pail Kids, collectors began to wonder about the value of their card collections. This led to the creation of the 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide, a comprehensive resource that provided information on the rarity and estimated value of each card in the set.

The Purpose and Use of the 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide

The 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide aimed to provide collectors with a reliable source of information to determine the worth of their cards. It included detailed listings for all the cards in the set, including variations and rare finds. Each card entry included its name, description, rarity level, and estimated value.

The price guide proved to be an essential tool for collectors who wanted to buy, sell, or trade their Garbage Pail Kid cards. It helped them make informed decisions and negotiate fair deals. The guide also became a valuable resource for parents who wanted to ensure their kids weren't being taken advantage of in card transactions.

Table: 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide

Card Name Description Rarity Level Estimated Value
Adam Bomb Blowing up with explosive awesomeness Rare $50
Bony Tony A skeletal skateboarder Common $5
Clogged Duane Overflowing with grossness Uncommon $10
Meltin' Elton A melting rock star Rare $45

Note: The table above is just an example and does not represent the actual content of the 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide.

The 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide became an invaluable resource for collectors, helping them navigate the world of trading and determine the worth of their card collections. It provided a fair and standardized way to assess the value of each card, ensuring that collectors could make informed decisions and enjoy the hobby without being taken advantage of.

Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to explore our comprehensive 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide. We hope that our guide has provided you with valuable insights into the world of collecting these iconic trading cards from the 80s. Whether you are a seasoned collector or new to the hobby, we aimed to create a resource that would be helpful in determining the value and rarity of these cards.

Throughout this guide, we have meticulously researched and compiled information on the various factors that affect the price of these cards. From card condition and scarcity to popular characters and limited editions, we have explored all the essential elements that contribute to their value. Our aim was to offer a comprehensive overview that would assist collectors in making informed decisions when buying or selling these vintage cards.

We understand that the pricing of collectibles can be subjective and dependent on various factors, such as market demand and individual preferences. Therefore, we encourage you to use this guide as a starting point and continue your research to ensure accurate pricing information based on current market trends. As the collectibles market is ever-evolving, it is crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest developments to make well-informed decisions.

In conclusion, we hope that our 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide has been a valuable resource for you, providing insight into the world of collecting these nostalgic trading cards. If you have any further questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Happy collecting!

People Also Ask About 1987 Garbage Pail Kid Cards Price Guide

1. What is a price guide for 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards?

A price guide for 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards is a resource that provides information on the estimated value of these collectible trading cards. It helps collectors and enthusiasts determine the worth of specific cards based on various factors such as condition, rarity, and demand.

2. How can I find a 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards price guide?

There are several ways to find a 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards price guide:

  • Online: Numerous websites offer price guides specifically tailored to Garbage Pail Kid cards. These guides may be free or require a subscription.
  • Collector's Communities: Joining online communities or forums dedicated to Garbage Pail Kid card collecting can provide access to price guides shared by fellow collectors.
  • Physical Guides: Some printed books or magazines specialize in providing price guides for various collectibles, including Garbage Pail Kid cards.

3. Are the prices in the 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards price guide accurate?

The prices mentioned in the 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards price guide serve as estimates and are subject to change. The actual value of a card can fluctuate due to factors such as market demand, condition, and availability. It is always recommended to consider multiple sources and consult recent sales data to get a more accurate understanding of a card's current value.

4. How do I determine the condition of a 1987 Garbage Pail Kid card?

The condition of a 1987 Garbage Pail Kid card can significantly affect its value. To determine the condition, consider the following factors:

  1. Corners: Check for any visible wear, creases, or rounding.
  2. Edges: Inspect for fraying, dents, or chipping.
  3. Surface: Look for scratches, stains, or printing defects.
  4. Centering: Assess if the image is properly centered on the card.
  5. Back: Examine the back of the card for any damage or markings.

5. Can I sell my 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards for the prices listed in the price guide?

The prices listed in a 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards price guide are not guaranteed sale prices. They are meant to serve as a general reference point for collectors. The actual price you can sell your cards for may depend on factors such as market demand, condition, and negotiation with potential buyers.

Remember, when discussing the 1987 Garbage Pail Kid cards price guide, it is important to maintain an informative and helpful tone, providing accurate information while acknowledging the variability in card values and the importance of individual card conditions.